Nov 10, 20202 min read
How Emotional Pain Can Manifest in the Physical Body
Many studies have shown that pushing away or repressing unwanted feelings can do more harm than good in the long term. But did you know...

Aug 10, 20204 min read
Self-Love Club
Practicing self-love and compassion are key when it comes to mental health and well-being, as many psychological studies have shown....

Jul 16, 20203 min read
High Vibes: Raising Your Energetic Frequency
If you are a lover of all things spirituality (like myself), or perhaps are just starting out on your own spiritual journey, then this...

Jun 30, 20203 min read
Inner Child Healing
Everyone has their own individual experiences of childhood and growing up. As this is the key stage of human learning and development,...

Jun 17, 20203 min read
Embracing Vulnerability as a Strength
Being vulnerable is the ability to live without defence. It is letting down the walls and barriers you have built up over time in order...

Jun 9, 20202 min read
Having a Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
Your mindset has the power to shape your life. Your mindset also has the ability to impact how you view society. It seems that now more...

May 27, 20205 min read
Staying Motivated: My Home Workout Routine
I've grown up being very active and have always enjoyed exercise. Not only is exercise beneficial to your physical health, but it has...