If you are a lover of all things spirituality (like myself), or perhaps are just starting out on your own spiritual journey, then this post might be an interesting read for you.
The noise and vibration levels of different physical objects has been a strong area of research for a long time. The deeper you dive into energetics and vibrational research, the more likely you are to discover that almost everything in life vibrates at some level of energetic frequency. This is simply because all things are made up of atoms and these atoms are continuously vibrating at different levels. Even if this is the first time you are hearing about this concept, I have no doubt that you have at some point experienced actually feeling these vibrations yourself.
A 'vibration' is a state of being, or the energetic quality of a person, thing, place, or thought. Reading someone's 'vibe' is mostly intuitive - for example, being able to feel someone's energy when they walk into the room. Human vibrations are not only made up of physical matter, but also the thoughts and emotions that run through you. This energy can either vibrate at a high or low frequency, depending on how we are feeling within ourselves.
What is a High vs. Low Energetic Frequency?
If your energy is vibrating at a low frequency, the energy itself is denser and heavier. Overall, this form of energy is darker and often associated with negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You may experience discomfort or pain in your physical body and perhaps feel mentally clouded or confused. This is a slower form of vibration tends to results in a lower mood.
If you are vibrating at a high frequency, your energy is lighter, happier, and you feel more at ease - physically, emotionally, and mentally. When you are vibrating at optimum level, life flows with synchronicity and you have an overall positive outlook on life. You may feel as if you are constantly attracting good people, good opportunities, and the world is your oyster. To begin manifesting the things you want out of life, make sure your energy is vibrating at this high level so you can continue attracting good things.
The Law of Attraction
The 'Law of Attraction' is the ability to attract into your life whatever you are focusing on. It basically states that your thoughts will eventually materialise into your reality through the process of manifestation. The Law of Attraction also states that "like attracts like". Therefore, if you are emitting positive thoughts and emotions, then you will attract positive things into your life. However, if these thoughts and emotions are negative, then you will attract negativity. Have you ever woken up in a foul mood and from that moment of waking, everything seemed to be going wrong? Firstly, you were late for work, then you spilt your coffee on your clean shirt, and after that an important client of yours was rude to you - this is an example of how your thoughts and feelings can manifest into your daily life.
The power of energetic frequency works in the same way, whereby your level of vibration can determine what you attract into your life. Therefore, in order to bring an idea into existence, you must match its vibrational frequency. Your feelings and emotions will be reflected through your energy - so if this energy is positive and vibrates at a high frequency, this will manifest into your reality and the Universe will work to deliver you positive opportunities. Sounds simple, but it can take a lot of practice!
How to Raise Your Vibes & Attract Good into Your Life
Emitting consistently positive energy and high vibrations isn't always easy and can sometimes require deeper psychological work. However, there are a few simple things you can focus on doing every day to ensure high vibrational consistency:
Practice gratitude (for inspiration, click here)
Forgive and move on
Eat well and focus on your health
Exercise regularly
Have a positive mindset
Consume high-vibe music, TV, and books
Surround yourself with people who build you up (not tear you down)
Get out and appreciate nature
Reduce or eliminate your alcohol intake
Smile and laugh at every opportunity
Be the best version of YOU every single day!

In order to receive good vibes, we must project good vibes. Ideally, most people want to feel happy and joyful throughout life. So by focusing on this, you can begin to attract more of what you want in life - and I hope this blog post has inspired you to do so.
Until next time;
peace and love,