Hey there, welcome to the second official post on my blog.
You can find a little bit of background information on the reason for creating my blog on the "About" tab. However, I thought I'd delve a little deeper into why I decided to create a blog and why at this point in time.
I've always wanted to have a creative outlet, but I never knew what format I wanted it to be in. Writing comes very naturally to me and it's something I enjoy, so creating a blog made total sense. I've wanted to do this for a while, but like most people, I live a pretty busy life and never found the perfect time to put my all into blogging.... until now.
As everyone knows, the world is in the middle of experiencing a pandemic; something that will go down in history and is affecting everyone in one way or another. With the government request to self isolate and social distance ourselves, this means that I have a lot of spare time to kill. So, I've seized this opportunity to finally create an outlet and hope to inspire others along the way - because I finally have the time to do so!
I already have a lot of exciting ideas and plans for the "Today is Yours" blog. Feedback is always welcome and if there is anything in particular you'd like to see, then please let me know. I want this blog to be an honest depiction of me and my life, but I promise it will always remain a positive space. So, stay tuned!
Until next time,
stay home and stay safe,